Website access

Our website is accessible to users worldwide and only limited if hosting service, internet provider, or users' local jurisdiction have any restrictions on our content.

Email subscription

By subscribing to our waitlists, job board, or pre-sale, you agree to provide a valid email address and an optional alias.

You consent to receive emails related to our announcement and future updates.

User responsibilities

You confirm that the email provided is yours and you have the right to use it.

You agree to use our website and its contents responsibly and legally.

Data Collection:

We collect only the necessary data: your email and an optional first name (alias).

No additional personal data is collected or stored unless specifically requested.

Data usage

Your data is used solely for communicating the upcoming announcement and relevant updates.

We do not share, sell, or disclose your data to third parties.

Data security

We take reasonable measures to protect your data from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Data removal

You have the right to request the deletion of your email from our database at any time.

Upon request, we will promptly remove your data and confirm its deletion.

Changes to terms

We reserve the right to modify these terms and policies. Any changes will be posted on this page.

Cowbolt is currently under construction. Our team, leadership, organizational structure, and choice of jurisdiction are all in the process of being established.

Scope of Terms

These terms and conditions are applicable solely to the use of our website. They do not extend to our mobile application, which are governed by their own terms.


For any questions or requests regarding these terms and policies, please contact us at

We appreciate your interest and participation in our journey. Our commitment is to maintain transparency and respect your privacy and choices.

© 2024 Calibrator